The G.O.A.L. Blueprint Live Course

For Women and Nonbinary People in Corporate

Your 6-week journey from feeling stuck and undervalued to confidently navigating your career, aligning with your true calling, and achieving the recognition and compensation you deserve.

Yes, I'm Ready for Clarity and Fulfillment


... A raise or promotion? 

Been passed over, underpaid or ready to lead?


... A new role?

Just been laid off or looking for something new?

... Clarity on what's next?

Wondering if you should stay or go? If you're being paid what you're worth?  

... A fresh start?

Not sure how to leave toxic baggage behind and show up confidently in new roles?  


Whether you're navigating your current role or diving into a job search, unlock the next phase of your career with a clear, actionable roadmap 

Unlock Your Full Career Potential, Gain Recognition, and Step Confidently into Your Dream Role

  • Are you a mid-career or early-leader woman or nonbinary person in corporate, feeling like you're constantly running on empty, yet your efforts go unnoticed?

  • Have past toxic workplaces left scars, making you question your worth and capabilities, or are you currently navigating a challenging environment, eager to find your way out?

  • Exhausted by the never-ending job search, feeling each rejection chip away at your confidence and self-worth?
  • Tired of feeling like you're toiling in obscurity, despite pouring your heart and soul into your work?

It's time to shed those 'shoulds', reclaim your narrative, and set intuitive goals that truly resonate with your aspirations. The G.O.A.L. Blueprint Live Course is your compass to career transformation. Led by 15-year tech veteran Dara M Wilson, this 6-week, 12-session immersive group coaching experience is meticulously crafted for those yearning to break free from the shadows of past toxic experiences and for those actively seeking an escape route from present-day challenges. 

Together, we'll embark on a journey to uncover your North Star, ensuring you're not only recognized and valued but also aligned with a role that truly fuels your passion and purpose.

“This course will shake up your life! You will learn what’s important to you, and begin to imagine a bigger life for yourself. It’s scary as hell, but worth it.”


Yes! I Want Financial Freedom and Career Success!

What makes the G.O.A.L. Blueprint Live Course unique?

  1. Tailored for women and nonbinary folks in corporate, especially those of color:

    We understand the unique challenges and biases you face in the industry. This course is specifically designed to address those hurdles and provide you with the tools and strategies to overcome them.

  2. Live, interactive sessions guarantee personalized guidance and a community of support:

    As a well-respected career coach and leader in the tech space, I brings my firsthand experience and expertise to guide you through your career transformation journey. I've successfully navigated the same challenges you face and am committed to helping you achieve your goals!

  3. Grounded in proven strategies, backed by real-world success stories:

    The course is built on the powerful GOAL Blueprint framework that has many unlock their potential, negotiate fair compensation, gain recognition for their work, and find purpose and fulfillment in their careers.

  4. Supportive Community: 

    Embark on a transformative journey alongside a community of driven professionals, all united in their quest to fully realize their career potential. Share experiences, gain insights, and uplift each other as you navigate the ups and downs of your career growth.

Yes, I Want Career Transformation!


Rediscover Your Brilliance: 

Skyrocket your confidence and belief in your abilities by reclaiming your innate talents and reconnecting with your unique strengths  

Reclaim Your Worth

Boost your recognition, compensation, and career growth at the rate you deserve by breaking free from the toxic workplace's impact on your self-worth and rediscovering your true value.

Rewrite Your Narrative

Shine in interviews and stand out in the workplace, by learning how to craft a powerful career story that celebrates your accomplishments and positions you as a sought-after professional in your field

Restore Your Work-Life Balance 

Live joyfully and prevent burnout by discovering proven strategies to transform your approach to work: take control of your workload, set healthy boundaries, and prioritize self-care

Got Questions? Email us at [email protected]

The G.O.A.L Blueprint Live Course

The G.O.A.L. Blueprint Live Course is an empowering journey designed specifically for women and nonbinary folks in corporate who are determined to escape toxic or misaligned workplaces and unlock their full career potential.

In just 40 days, you'll discover your true career calling, break free from the shackles of overwork and bias, and gain the respect, credit, and compensation you deserve. Say goodbye to burnout, self-doubt, and confusion about your purpose, and hello to a fulfilling career that aligns with your values and desires. 

Why Choose This Course?

  1. Whether you're feeling trapped in your current role or facing challenges in your job search, Your Goal Blueprint is here to help. This 6-week transformative experience is designed to empower you, guiding you towards a life and career filled with power, purpose, and passion.

  2. In just six weeks, immerse yourself in proven strategies tailored for both career progression and effective job searching. These insights have elevated the careers of countless professionals and enriched their personal lives, ensuring a harmonious work-life integration.

  3. Whether you're navigating the complexities of a job search or seeking growth in your current role, our comprehensive video lessons, actionable worksheets, and interactive live Q&A sessions are here for you. Every resource is meticulously crafted to guide you in designing a career and life trajectory that resonates with your unique vision and goals.

  4. This is more than a career leap; it's a life transformation. It's about aligning your professional journey with your personal truths, ensuring every step you take resonates deeply with your authentic self.

Yes, I Want to Say Yes to My Future!

Discover a Proven Framework to Get Unstuck:

What's Holding You Back?

Is it the weight of external expectations? The fear of the unknown? Or perhaps, the lack of clarity on how to move forward? Whatever it is, it's time to address it through the transformative GOAL Blueprint framework

      1. Set Intuitive Goals:

    •  Uncover Your Calling: Reconnect with your intuition, align with your core values, and set a North Star that guides your career decisions.
    • Shed Your 'Shoulds': Break free from external expectations, bust limiting beliefs, and embrace self-authority to see limitless possibilities.

    • Create Your GOAL Blueprint: Chart a visionary and actionable roadmap towards your aspirations, ensuring every task ladders up to your North Star.

    2. Unlock Reliable Motivation:

    • Unlock Your Agency: Recognize your inherent power, understand its loss, and bridge the gap to reclaim it.

    • Optimize Your Energy: Regularly assess for burnout signs, harness what fuels you, and masterfully manage your time.

    • Go from Doer to Leader: Ascend in your career by setting clear expectations, prioritizing ruthlessly, and communicating your impact widely.

    3. Recover Your Confidence:

    • Reclaim Your Story: Discover hidden signs of workplace dysfunction, rediscover your brilliance, and rewrite the narrative of your self-worth.

    • Magnetically Attract Your Fulfilling Role: Talk about your impact in a way that automatically attracts your ideal role and repels toxic ones.

    • Land Your Fulfilling Role: Navigate interviews authentically, face questions about your past without fear, and negotiate offers with clarity and confidence.

Yes, I Want to Unlock My Potential!

"Dara approaches coaching with a level-head, an incredible intuition, and deep empathy... all of which resulted in a successful re-leveling & raise."


Yes! I Want Financial Freedom and Career Success!

Got Questions? Email us at [email protected]


LIVE RESUME MAKEOVER*: We'll get your resume in tip top shape, perfectly tailored for your dream role in a live 1-1 session with Dara!
(Value $547)


CAREER CONFIDENCE SESSION: Uncover and celebrate what makes you uniquely impactful, and leave with language you can use on LinkedIn, in interviews, and anywhere you need to share the story of your career [Live 1-1 session with Dara]
(Value $547)


*Available with One Time Payment only

Dara M Wilson

After surviving a toxic tech job that jeopardized my health and discounted my contributions, I rewrote my story, rising to leadership roles in distinguished companies aligned with my values, and skyrocketing my salary by over $100K in just two years, all while earning the respect I deserved. Now, I'm committed to uplifting mid-career and early-leader women and genderqueer folks in tech who are undervalued and unsatisfied. I teach them my proven system for commanding the compensation and recognition their hard work warrants propelling them towards a career that's not just rewarding, but truly purposeful and deeply fulfilling.


I'm a career coach with nearly 15 years of expertise as a mission–driven leader in the tech space. My experience ranges from small disaster prediction and hyper growth fintech startups to huge companies like Google. Since 2016, I've prided myself on career and leadership coaching that’s joyful, actionable, and self-empowering.

I'm also a visual artist, comedian, writer and dog mom, who believes work should fit your life, not the other way around.

See how the course transformed what  Shamarah thought was possible  

"The tools you gave in the course are game changers... [It] has totally transformed what I believe is possible and what I'm now ready to pursue in my career!"

I'm Ready to Unlock a Career I Crave

The G.O.A.L. Blueprint Live Course includes:

Live weekly course sessions (x6):


(Module 1) Goal Setting for Success:

Mapping the Path to Your Dream Career

(Value $797)

(Module 2) Mastering Career Resilience:

Taking Control of Your Work Approach

(Value $797)

(Module 3) Strategic Career Navigation:

Defining the Perfect Next Role For You

(Value $797)

(Module 4) Elevating Your Impact:

Mastering Interviews and Negotiations

(Value $797)

Weekly exercises, templates, and accountability checkpoints

(Value $1,500)

Bonus I- Live weekly group coaching (x6)

(Value $3,000)

Bonus II - Salary negotiation script

(Value $497) 

Bonus III - Career Confidence Session

(Value $597) 

Bonus III - Live Resume Makeover

(Value $947) 

Bonus IV - Toxic Role Screening Guide

(Value $497) 



Total value


Over $7,000 in value, yours today for only...

The GOAL Blueprint Live Course is not currently accepting new students

To be the first to learn about our newest program or to inquire about 1:1 coaching, please sign up for the interest form here! 

"I got my offer letter today for Associate Content Director! I wouldn't have been able to do it without you (cry of relief). Because I didn't even know to aim for this before our conversations."


Yes! I Want Financial Freedom and Career Success!